Today is the traditional Workers' Day and an even more traditional pagan day of celebrating something or another, probably whatever was considered spring in those ancient times or the coming of warm weather, the earth blooming and becoming productive again.
It's a new month anyway and a good moment to recommit to one's own personal work and yearned-for productiveness.
They are several goals I'd like to actualize in the coming summer months. Two are worth mentioning in just a journal notation type of way: One is to finish off a project I started several years ago and which I promise myself every other month to finally finish. The other is to substantially complete a book of fiction whose concept is, I think, unique and whose message (yes, there is one at least) is vital to the world some of us live in. The novel has already been begun, but still is in the brewing stage effectively. It is not the first time I've tried my hand at a longer fictional work (I've already had short stories published here and there), but I only finished one novel a long time ago, and it was trash and almost went into the trash. This one, the new one, is different, however. Because now I have something to say, and I believe I know how to say it.
There are other concurrent and important projects I must somehow attend to, but the above two are the ones that will critically determine my psychological state as the year nears its end. The most spirit impacting will be the novel goal. This I know. Of course, there will be unforeseen events that will have their influence, too. But the impulses of body and mind, and the discipline of both, must be directed toward the two goals. Life will deal with the rest.